As we enter another new year, it’s the perfect opportunity to reassess and revitalize your health goals!

Assessing your health and embarking on positive changes couldn’t be timelier. Setting goals may seem daunting, but employing SMART criteria can pave the way for sustained success.

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Trackable. They increase the likelihood of reaching your objectives while keeping motivation levels high.

Setting health goals need not be stressful. Each step towards better health is a step in the right direction, and using the SMART framework helps maintain focus and composure.

Take a moment now to utilize our simple guide on setting SMART health goals:

Be Specific: Rather than vague intentions like "exercising more" or "eating better," pinpoint specific actions such as daily exercise or limiting daily sugar intake to less than 25 grams.

Make it Measurable: Set measurable targets like exercising five times a week for 20 minutes each session.

Make it Attainable: Set goals that challenge you without overwhelming your current commitments and habits.

Be Realistic: Consider what changes you can realistically integrate into your lifestyle, considering your current health status.

Make it Trackable: Trackable goals allow you to monitor progress and celebrate milestones throughout the year.

Don’t let your New Year's resolutions fade away. By adopting SMART goals, you can jumpstart your journey towards improved health.

If you're in Lincoln and managing chronic pain or recovering from an injury, schedule a visit with us. We're committed to helping you achieve your health goals for 2024 and beyond, getting you back on track to optimal health and well-being!


  • Mayo Clinic Health System. (2020). Setting Smart Goals for Success.
Brooklyn  Macholan

Brooklyn Macholan

Chiropractic Assistant

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