Brooklyn grew up in Howells, Nebraska, graduating from Howells-Dodge High School in 2022. She is now pursuing her undergraduate degree studying Pre-Chiropractic at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her passion for health and helping people is what drives her role at Ascend Chiropractic, as well as drives her to pursue a Doctorate of Chiropractic. She is very excited to be a part of an engaging, evidence-based, and caring environment at work each day.
Brooklyn played many sports growing up and continues to show that passion for athletics. She loves spending her time working out, running, or hiking whenever she can. Along with staying active, Brooklyn spends a lot of time with her family and friends, finding new coffee shops to study in, and spending time outdoors.
As she is unsure which chiropractic school, she will attend in the years to come, she is learning as much as she can from the staff at Ascend Chiropractic. She is thankful to be able to work in a profession she is pursuing, as it enhances her passion for how chiropractic care can help others!