Why it Matters:  

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Trackable. Using SMART goals makes it much more likely you’ll reach your target, which also helps keep your motivation high. And setting these health goals shouldn't be stressful. Remember, each action you take towards better health is a positive step in the right direction and using the SMART framework can help you stay calm and focused.

Set aside a few minutes right now and use our handy how to set SMART health goals outline below to get started:

Be Specific. Exercising more or eating better are good ideas but nearly impossible to quantify. Aim for specific goals like exercising daily or eating less than 25 grams of sugar each day instead. 

Make it Measurable. Set a measurable goal like exercising 5x per week for 20 minutes.

Make it Attainable. Avoid aiming too high or too low. Your health goals should be attainable relative to your current commitments and habits.

Be Realistic. Determine what changes you can realistically and reasonably commit to when considering your current health habits.

Make it Trackable. This is key. Goals that are trackable help you monitor your progress throughout the year and let you know when it’s time to celebrate your successes!

Remember, by setting SMART goals, you'll be able to jumpstart your journey to better health. And if you’re near Lincoln, Nebraska and you’ve been living with chronic pain or learning to live with a new injury, schedule a visit with us today.



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